Three Questions

As I am not a full time user of the desk, maybe I am missing something, but I don't know - I thought  I would turn to the collected wisdom here.


If I have multiple submasters up controlling channel levels, and want to know when submaster is controlling the level of a particular channel, what would be the best way of getting that information.  I have tried both About channel - there looks to be a perfect place to put that information in the source field but it isn't there - and {query is in sub} but as soon as I hit the sub button, it clears out the query. 


Number 2

Is it possible to have a slider that is set up as a playback act as an intensity master for that cue stack?  i.e.  If I run cue 1 in that cue list with the fader lowered, all the nip's go to their assigned locations, but the intensities do not come up until I raise that particular fader.  I would like it so that if I chose to, I could set that fader as some sort of 'intensity master' whereby I could grab that fader and lower it and all the intensities would then go out.  Does that make sense to anyone?


Letter C - was already answered by Heather in tech support.  Thanks!


any help that you guys can give me would be most helpful.  Thanks! 


