LED intensity

If I patch a 3-channel RGB device (type: LED_RGB) to a channel, does the intensity parameter on that channel master the DMX output levels of the R, G and B?

I'm hoping that it does, but can't find any way of confirming that using the OLE. Generally speaking is there any way of seeing on the OLE what the current output value of a DMX address would be?

  • It sounds like what you are looking for is HSI control- Hue Saturation Intensity.

     That way you can control RGB leds with independant control of intensity, but its a whole different way of thinking about your fixtures.

  • As I understand it, the I in HSI is a NP ('brightness') rather than a true intensity as far as the console is concerned.

    What I really want is to be able to blackout the stage just by setting all active fixture intensities to zero; or by pulling the grandmaster down. I also want to be able to use a submaster to fade-out a RGB (or HSI) colour chase.

    I know some consoles have a 'virtual' intensity concept for LEDs. Virtuoso certainly handles RGB fixtures in the way I was describing - i.e. they are patched as 3-channel RGB devices, but to get any output on RGB you need to give the fixture an intensity. i.e. Red parameter at 100 and Intensity at 50 gives a DMX output of 127 for the Red channel. I'm still hoping this is the way that EOS works.

  • What you are talking about would be great.  I work a lot with the Maxxyz and the master controls overall output of RGB fixtures, but without a seperate intensity channel.  I've not yet had LED fixtures with the EOS so I can't give first hand experience...

     Thoughts anyone?

  • LED's in Eos work as you are expecting them to. A "virtual" intensity parameter is provided, which masters the output of the RGB levels.
  • Have been using several hundred CK fixtures on an eos,  as Dan notes it has the virtual intensity ch.  Works great.... LED's @ full in Blue... at 50... its great!!!


    Intensity chases & color chases... all you could ever ask for.


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