For Editing Ease

I've discovered over the past couple weeks of editing that it would help if the screens and cue list highlights displayed a little differently in blind and live.

 What I'm looking for would be in Blind- The Cue list box highlighted on the cue list screen in the fader display changes color the same way the command line does. Also, the border highlighting the active screen changes color with the command line, as does the highlighted cue number above the command line.  Basically all things highlighted in Gold in the Live display switch to Blue in the Blind display, just to make it REALLY obvious that you are in blind.

 Also in blind, when hitting next and last the selected cue in the cuelist would have a highlighted outline across the entire screen, instead of just the cue number.  (or the timing values, flags, atttributes etc also get highlighted).  This would really help reading timing values, flage, etc for the cue you are editing.



  • I agree with all of this...  When in a dark theatre, looking at 4 screens, it can't hurt to have more things highlited in blue when in blind.  Also, I would love the selected cue in the list to be highlited across the entire screen... in fact, I would love to see this somehow in Live too...  I find it difficult in the PSD to keep track of the cue that is currently active or running.  For example if there are no values in the fields for Focus/Color/Beam timing, Flags and Attributes are empty or even mostly empty I find it difficult if you are in an un-labeled cue to judge where following labels fall within the list if they are sparatic and not all labeled.  Some sort of highlighting technique that highlights the empty label would be helpful for me.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous in reply to swalecda

    Never fear...

    We have had many requests about higher contrast between live and blind, and in 1.3 we will be providing that.  When the user is in blind, the display will have a subtle, but very visible blue tint around the border.  Also, we have added the text "Live" and "Blind" to the command line like Obsession.  

    As far as the PSD, this has been an ongoing labor of love for me.  We will have gone back and forth on different ways of showing the current and active cues on that display.  We are currently looking into some other options to better distinguish those cues on that display.


  • During the modification of the LIVE/BLIND displays and highlights, we should pay attention to what the cuelist looks like when you are in a multi part cue live, and you navigate to it in blind. 

    Currently you cannot see which part you are in by looking at the cuelist display, because the entire cue is highlighted gold.  Since it is highlighted, you cannot see the Bling Highlight around it.  You can see the current cue in other displays, but being able to see it in the cuelist will be a help.  Perhaps just the Cue number should have the solid highlight?


  • Hey David.  Yep, that is an issue that is on our list of things to solve.    Yours is an interesting idea.  I'm just wondering if it would apparent enough or confusing to people.  Hmmmm.... but its certainly worth investigating further.

    Thanks for the thought
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