Show Control,

Does anyone know when show control for EOS is going to be available. I really need SMPTE timecode and midi for our production. Or know of a product that will work other than a different consolw.

When i hook up multiple consoles Master Client and a Back up will all three get timecode from the same showcontrol device or do i need to purchase a device for each console.?



Russell Kollaja


  • Russell, Eos does support MIDI and SMPTE.  You need a showcontrol gateway for this.  We have a limited hardware release on that gateway (it is in for revision due to some CE issues).   Can I get some details?  Are in in North America?  When is the show?

    You can email me at with these details.  And please copy

    Thanks much!


  • Hello,

    I am getting some mixed messages on this subject. Are the showcorntrol gateways not available for purchase at this time? I ask because that is what I am hearing. I currently don't have one and will be needing one in January. I am also understanding that there is no way to get SMPTE into the EOS with out the gateway right?  Oh and I am in North America.


  • Hello,

    I am getting some mixed messages on this subject. Are the showcorntrol gateways not available for purchase at this time? I ask because that is what I am hearing. I currently don't have one and will be needing one in January. I am also understanding that there is no way to get SMPTE into the EOS with out the gateway right?  Oh and I am in North America.

