Patching Fun

I've noticed that whenever I edit the patch, all of my scrollers and movers move.  I've got used to it, but it was terrifying at first because the immediate thought is that I've mispatched something and screwed up a scroller.  DMX is definitely doing something wierd when I hit enter in Patch though...

Parents Reply Children
  • Is there an answer to this? I have just started experiencing this as well. I am running 1.2.1. My coloram scrollers move when I am in Park display and working with dimmers.



  • This is fixed in 1.3, but there isn't anything you can do to prevent it in 1.2. It may help to know what is happenning though.

     If you make a change in patch, or park an address, or use [address X At Y] to set an addresses level from live, any non-intensity parameters that are not manual and do not have a cue providing their level, will be sent to their home value. These parameters are considered "unowned" and are always displayed in gray, it will not happen to any parameters that are displayed in red, green, magenta or blue in live.

     Usually if a parameter is unowned (gray), but not at it's home value, it is after doing a goto cue 0, which releases all of the parameters, but does not fade the non-intensity parameters back to their home position.


  • Hey Dan,

    Thanks for the explanation.

