Where can I obtain the output no. from EOS?

Hi all;

I would like to know where can I get the display of outputs no. ( for ex. 4000 or 8000 ) from EOS console? just like Congo output no. -1024

Another question is if I patched two kind of High-end fixtures such as ( Studio Color 575 and Studio -Spot 575 _ CMY ) in EOS and try to turn on the light at some levels with clicking the "Min", Max" icon underneath Cyan, Magenta and yellow icons at the third LCD touch screen. The "100" will show after "Min" icon is selected and "0" will appear after "Max" icon is clicked which seems as the fixture is operated in "Home position" for the color palette. Because I'm not sure that is right or not, so I raise this question for anyone who can answer me.

Kelvin leung
