Using the offset command

Is there some kind of a modifier to the offset command relating to channel selection?  I can not seem to find any modifiers beyond the even, odd, random, and reverse softkeys.  Is there a way of selecting the channels and then using offset to select the 1st of the set, then the 2nd of the set, then the 3rd, etc?  For example:

[Group] [1] [Offset] [3] takes the 1st, 4th, 7th, etc, channel and selects them.  However, there is no easy way I can find to reselect the same group and start with the second of the series, then the third. 

If not already in the works or if not already an option, I suggest something like:

[Group] [1] [Offset] [3/2]  which would then take the 2nd, 5th, 8th, etc channels from the group

[Group] [1] [Offset] [4/3] which would take the 3rd, 7th, 11th, etc channels from the group.

Just a thought.

  • Mike~ Completely in agreement with you......


    Group 1 Offest 1/2 whould grab 2, 4, 6, 8 etc.....

    Group 1 Offset 1/3 would grab 1, 4, 7 etc.......

    I believe I spoke with John Hessler about this awhile back.... 

    The current work around is offset your starting number...  SO....

    1-30 offset 2 enter yields 1, 3, 5.....   2-30 offset 2 enter yields 2, 4, 6......







  • Hey guys.  Yep, that is a viable syntax for Offset.  We also need to add "offset next" commands.  Will put this on the list of "syntax extensions" to get to as soon as we can. And Mike .... we still will be making changes to group cue/group sub as per email exchanges a while back!  

     Thanks much!

