Profile Correction Request - Elation Platinum Beam 5R Pan Range

Manufacturer: Elation

Model: Platinum Beam 5R

Mode: Platinum Beam 5R Basic [11], Platinum Beam 5R Extended [16], Platinum Beam 5R Standard [13]

Needed for Eos v2.9.1.17 and v3.x


dmx table-PLATINUM BEAM 5R.pdf

PLATINUM BEAM 5R Manual Ver 0.5.pdf

*There seems to be a typo in the manual where 630 deg is typed as 360

Problem: The Eos default pan range is 630 deg but the fixture default is 540. In the Eos Fixture notes, there is a prompt to use the fixture in 630 deg mode, but home and other pan values are skewed by 45 deg so it's designed more for if you needed that extra range of pan. Tilt is also off by just a bit, in Eos, its 256 deg, but on the fixture, it's 270. The reason for this request is because flip is broken due to this, and I can't use command line values as I do with other fixture, (Ex. 101 thru 116 Tilt -45 Pan -30 thru 30 enter [one of my FP macros] does not work as expected and match the rest of the rig). For now, I have the profile edited, but I would like to have an official fix.



Added Eos version needed.
[edited by: tylerandrew at 2:26 PM (GMT -5) on Thu, Aug 27 2020]