Chauvet 560z Wash Pan Invert - plus its wonky

Using 3.0 -389 The Chuavet 560z 3D fixture has the pan inverted. 

Another problem(?) is that the unit Flips to exactly the same place so I think the Pan & Tilt are correct. (Number match to specs) But in A3d the beam does not go to the right location. In tends to be off by 5-15 degrees in the X and/or Y axis. I expect this could be based on the hang, but it seems like a lot. The units line up pretty well at 50/50. When I adjust them for a focus point US then I lose the lineup of 50/50.

The zoom function also is a little smaller in A3d then in reality. I'm seeing 3' in A3d verus 5' IRL. (34' throw)

In this situation the 560's are on the same pipe as Maverick Mk2's. The Mk2's are working fine in A3d.

I'll go over my space for measurements, but I am pretty confident they are pretty close.

Thank you, Gregg
