Hi Guys
Can you please help me with a Personality for the Aura PXL in the Above file format?
Thanks in advance
Hi Guys
Can you please help me with a Personality for the Aura PXL in the Above file format?
Thanks in advance
Our apologies, we do not make ASCII profiles for fixtures, the closest thing we have is that you can export an Eos show file to ASCII in the export menu.
Ok. My customer must have misunderstood.
They have an really old version of Eos running on there desk and apparently they don't want to update the entire thing.
Is there any way to import a single fixture profile on there desk?
Sorry for not knowing morer about your desk.
Thanks in advance
There are two options.
As the profile is in the current versions of software, v2.9.2 and v3.0.1, they can install and run ETCnomad on a computer, create and save a show file with that profile included, and use the merge function in the desire show file on the console. Full steps are in the following linked article: https://support.etcconnect.com/ETC/Consoles/Eos_Family/Software_and_Programming/Merging_custom_fixture_profiles_into_an_Eos_showfile
They can also create a custom fixture profile in their current show. The fixture profile editor varies depending on the software version, so unfortunately I cannot provide an exact how-to on that. Most likely they will need to navigate to the patch tab, select the {fixtures} softkey, and select the {new} softkey to make a custom profile.
Thank you so much!!