Ayrton Mistrals should have a pan range of -270 to 270, currently the profile has a -315 to 315
Tested in real world and doesn't match the manual. Applies to the S and TC versions of the light.
Ayrton Mistrals should have a pan range of -270 to 270, currently the profile has a -315 to 315
Tested in real world and doesn't match the manual. Applies to the S and TC versions of the light.
Thank you! I have submitted this information for correction.
This fixture has a pan range. From page 10 on the manual:
Pan Degree: Adjusts the amplitude of the PAN movement at 630 degrees or 540 degrees.
Based on the the rules the Carallon has put in place for fixture libraries, if a fixture supports multlipe pan or tilt ranges, then the fixture profile will define these as their maximum values.
OK, but it should be noted that this fixture defaults to the 540º pan, and that setting isn't controllable over DMX, so for most users plugging one of these into Eos without checking this will be incorrect.