Stops Mops - Desk Dough Beam


since i redesigned the Desk Dough Beam Fixture totaly new, i like to ask if it can be taken into the Fixture Lib.
I made some Custom Parameters for the Layer and the Camera.

For much more Comfort, Parameter Names [Gobo Rotation X, Gobo Rotation Y, Gobo Rotation Z] could be added.
For the time beeing i didn't do it.
I also tought about bringing in a Parameter [Strob Offset]. But after proceeding so far, i don't wanted to make yet an other Custom Parameter.
[Strob Offset] was my idea for the Fixtures originaly called [Strob Wing] Parameter.
Maybe it could be entered...

I even came up with a Custom Colorwheel. The Colors where picked just by the look of their Color tile.
Naming them, as they are in the Manual, was simply out of my possibilitys.
Maybe that could also be considered.

It would be nice to add the Custom Parameter Names to the EOS Lib.
For further Questions, please contact me via Mail or PN.
Fixture Manual:


File: Desk Dough Beam - 1 complete Fixture 2022-11-12 18-07-48.esf2


A Custom Multicell Fixture is not made yet.
The current Fixture is not correct, but has great attemptes.
If you like, i can give you a hand with that.

(i pointed allready out that the MC Fixture is not right here:
Bug - StopsMops - DeskDough layer -- too many Cells )

A bold request, i know. But anyhow, maybe we could work together.

