JB Lighting P9 - Color Wheel Mode / Color Select

this came up, since in the Hog4 Forum someone ask something about it.

And i am running through this, just by looking at the manual.
I had not tested this in real live on a Fixture.

I had a look at the P9 Fixture in EOS lib
The Color Wheel Mode has 5 Modes.
Mode 1:
- you start with the 'full' Color Wheel options
->2nd position (open) should be named "open Shift gobo Off"
->3rd position should be named "open/color 1"

Mode 2:
- you already start with a offset Color Wheel
-> there is no 'open/color1'
-> color 1 is set to DMX6-7, that is color2/color3 as split
-> this is the Color-Split Mode, why are they named as they are single colored?
-> as far as i read in Hog4 Forum, the Color shift is always on by default. So naming it "Shift gobo Off" maybe wrong.
-> why is there no On/Off for the "Shift gobo" in this Mode?


Since the auto-Color-Shift for the Gobo selection is only possible via the Color Wheel, naming it a Color Mode may be not right.
Because you are not able to make that 'Mode' stand alone.

And having the split colors in an extra mode... i am not to convinced about that.
Isn't it a little bit to complicated?
Having the single-colors and the split-colors in 1 big list, would be easyer to operate.

Just my humble opinion.
