Martin Mac Ultra Performance, framing shutters are full curtain

3.2.3 release (library

according to the datasheet (attached) and in real life the shutters of a mac ultra performance are full curtain, but the profile thinks they end in the center of the beam. Frame_Thrust parameters currently have a range of 0-100% when they should have 0-200%.


thx, ueli

  • There's a lot wrong with the Mac Ultra profile.  These are all measured from real fixtures:

    Pan range should be -270.6 to 270.6

    Tilt range should be -136.7 to 136.7

    Gobo Index/Speed, Gobo 2 Index/Speed. and Beam Fx Index/Speed when in rotation mode should all be -126 RPM to 126 RPM.

    Animation Wheel should also be -126 to 126 RPM.  Furthermore, the animation wheel in these lights can spin both vertical and horizontal, and A3D always renders it vertical (iirc... it might render it horizontal... either way, it A3D needs to be able to render it in both directions).

    Iris range should be 1 to 100 (not 0 to 100... the Ultra does not have a fully closing iris).

    Shutter strobe range when strobe mode is strobe should be 1 to 19 Hz.

    Color Select has two modes: Continuous and Snap.  Therefore, the Eos "Snap" feature should be disabled on the Color Select parameter.

    I can't remember if I had to edit the profile to get the shutters to behave correctly in A3D, but these are the correct settings:

  • There's a lot wrong with the Mac Ultra profile.  These are all measured from real fixtures:

    Pan range should be -270.6 to 270.6

    Tilt range should be -136.7 to 136.7

    Gobo Index/Speed, Gobo 2 Index/Speed. and Beam Fx Index/Speed when in rotation mode should all be -126 RPM to 126 RPM.

    Animation Wheel should also be -126 to 126 RPM.  Furthermore, the animation wheel in these lights can spin both vertical and horizontal, and A3D always renders it vertical (iirc... it might render it horizontal... either way, it A3D needs to be able to render it in both directions).

    Iris range should be 1 to 100 (not 0 to 100... the Ultra does not have a fully closing iris).

    Shutter strobe range when strobe mode is strobe should be 1 to 19 Hz.

    Color Select has two modes: Continuous and Snap.  Therefore, the Eos "Snap" feature should be disabled on the Color Select parameter.

    I can't remember if I had to edit the profile to get the shutters to behave correctly in A3D, but these are the correct settings:
