Boom Description Meanings: Page 4 of the Hamilton Conventional Focus Packet

Hi everybody. I'm new to lighting design and I'm using the project do dive into it. It is such a great opportunity presented by ETC.

I was wondering what the Page 4 (of the conventional focus packet) Boom descriptions indicate? It may be a simple question, but I want to confirm what it means. For example on this page is says, "Boom 1 DS: Smoke Pocket US: Off Near Post". Does this indicate the boom locations? Does it mean there are two pipes at each boom, one upstage and one down?

  • Hello and Welcome!

    Yes, the HPP is perfect to just dive into and be immersed! Go ETC!

    So, to your question: The Boom "DS" and "US" notations on the right hand side of Pg. 4 are specifying various "global" shutter cuts for each boom position. It is not the location of the physical boom (which would be found as a Plan view somewhere in the full drafting package), but is a quick reference for where certain shutter cuts should be set while focusing. Mostly the Downstage and Upstage cuts for all Booms.

    To your example: Boom 1: DS [cut]: Smoke Pocket. [The downstage shutter cut would vertically land in the Smoke Pocket of the Theatre]. US [cut]: Off Near Post. [The upstage shutter cut would be pushed in far enough so that it wasn't scraping the "near" post, of the many posts that are under the deck]. Each fixture on Boom 1 would start out following these "rules", but many might have additional adjustments which can be seen in the photos.

    You will then see that for ch. 251-259, "All L161 Mids", they're specifying where the Top & Bottom shutter cuts are. They also specify this for the other Systems on pg. 4: "All Clear Shins": ch. 231-240, and "All T: Shins" [Template Shins]: ch. 241-249. Although, in the case of the Temp Shins, they're specifying not the bottom cut, but instead where the bottom edge of the gobo would live: off the stage deck.

    These types of quick hand notations make it super fast to get started with an electrician on focusing. You can quickly get cuts roughed in before making any specific adjustments around scenery / drapes / obstructions as needed.

    Hope that helps & have fun!

  • Hello and Welcome!

    Yes, the HPP is perfect to just dive into and be immersed! Go ETC!

    So, to your question: The Boom "DS" and "US" notations on the right hand side of Pg. 4 are specifying various "global" shutter cuts for each boom position. It is not the location of the physical boom (which would be found as a Plan view somewhere in the full drafting package), but is a quick reference for where certain shutter cuts should be set while focusing. Mostly the Downstage and Upstage cuts for all Booms.

    To your example: Boom 1: DS [cut]: Smoke Pocket. [The downstage shutter cut would vertically land in the Smoke Pocket of the Theatre]. US [cut]: Off Near Post. [The upstage shutter cut would be pushed in far enough so that it wasn't scraping the "near" post, of the many posts that are under the deck]. Each fixture on Boom 1 would start out following these "rules", but many might have additional adjustments which can be seen in the photos.

    You will then see that for ch. 251-259, "All L161 Mids", they're specifying where the Top & Bottom shutter cuts are. They also specify this for the other Systems on pg. 4: "All Clear Shins": ch. 231-240, and "All T: Shins" [Template Shins]: ch. 241-249. Although, in the case of the Temp Shins, they're specifying not the bottom cut, but instead where the bottom edge of the gobo would live: off the stage deck.

    These types of quick hand notations make it super fast to get started with an electrician on focusing. You can quickly get cuts roughed in before making any specific adjustments around scenery / drapes / obstructions as needed.

    Hope that helps & have fun!
