A few feature requests that have fallen through the cracks

Wanted to follow up on a few bug/feature requests I've made on this forum over the years that ETC has yet to respond to:

1.) When working with multiple cue lists, going backward in a cue list releases channels to home values instead of to background values in the other cuelist:

 Streamlining Multiple Cuelists in a Live Programming Atmosphere (Ion) 

2.) Channel X Delete Cue Y/ Enter does nothing. It should either remove that channel's values from the cue list, or it should return an error:

 Wishlist: Delete channels from an entire cuelist from the command line 

3.) Highlight should override effects:

 Wishist: Highlight should override effects 

Thanks a lot!

Ethan Kaplan

Eos v3.2.5

Parents Comment
  • Those posts that you linked are to discussion forms, not actual feature requests so there is no actual up vote mechanism in place for them. They can be liked but will not receive the amount of attention you'd get if it was on the feature request section and even if it had 100 likes it would easily be overlooked by the product managers.

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