A really easy guid for how to use the nomad

Here is the script

ETC Rep: Hi, So you have a new nomad device, GREAT! Are you a lighting designer who knows everything there is to know about Lighting? If so this is not the video for you. If you are a new user, or a high school theatre teacher needing to know how to set up the nomad for use THIS IS THE RIGHT VIDEO FOR YOU!!!

The First step is X (see x is where you explain how to do the first step, such as plugging it into your computer.

Step two is. . .  (tell us what to do. Thats all, we don't care about the powerful functions of the machine, such as it can blow your nose for you, we want to know what is next in making our intelligent lights shine on the stage)

Step three is (you can probably tell this is a pattern. Please something like this would be much more use than throwing the damn thing out the indow and telling my students that we are going to do primitive theatre because Shakespeare didn't have stage lights and neither will we. . .) 

Thanks for your help, and I'm really looking for that guide. 

  • Thanks so much for the view!

    "Parameter" = oscillating turbo-encabulator.
    "Channel" = plain english

  • I don't want to badmouth your attempt. I honor every action that is taken from privat persons.

    But "steal the operating software" and "pretend to be a lightboard", "1024 Channel" (instead of 1024 Parameter) is not the best wording.

  • Why are you so negative? Since I was defining ETC, my tutorial was clearly meant for newbs, like kids at school theaters or people just starting out. If you're in that camp, figuring out what exactly the dongle thing actually does and how you get Nomad outputting DMX is quite difficult, especially during that supply shortage. I did a good thing. Don't take a dump on it.

  • "Yeah ETC has pretty terrible communication on how the Nomad stuff works."

    Your way isn't that good eighter, but the attempt is ok.


    The point here is that Nomad + a Gadget II is working out of the Box.
    And doing a tutorial on how to install a software on your Computer isn't the job of ETC.

    And Nomad is the same Software that runs on every Eos-Family Desk, so all ETC-Tutorial are able to use for learning.

    If there are any further questions, the Forum will help you gladly. But in my opinion the little gap between "I don't know anything about Lights and working with Computer-setups" and "I know quite a bit and it is enought for me to work with", that is not ETC's responsibility.

    You can go to a free-of-charge schooling-seminar for EOS-Family products, thats an offer from ETC.
    And if you need a special training for your space, ETC could help you with that as well.
    And you can find yourself someone who is teaching you all the knowlidge.

    But not anything can be learned off of a Video-tutorial.

    Please talk to people, who know their stuff. Because making Lights work is for a lot of us more than a hobby, this is what we do for living. It is a profession.


    End of Comment.
    Sorry to make it sound so rough in the end.

  • Yeah ETC has pretty terrible communication on how the Nomad stuff works. I made my own public video for it a while back:

    I think it's upset about me linking, so you can just search for "Theatrical Lighting Tutorials: What is ETC Nomad and how do I use it?" on YouTube.