A web browser tab

There are so many devices these days that are used on the lighting network that have web config and status pages. Having a tab on the console would be so much quicker than opening my laptop, changing IP settings, and navigating to the device. Having a view saved to be able to confirm a device is online or quickly make a config change would be a great boon to efficiency. A list of devices hyperlinked in a magic sheet would be convenient. The ability to code an HTTP command into a macro would be incredible, and could make linking CRMX devices a button on the console.

There are obvious security concerns, but restricting the browser to only communicating with its own local subnet should alleviate most of them. I would hope most if not all lighting networks are not internet enabled anyway.

  • Opening up the system to browse the internet opens up huge security concerns that could negatively impact system stability. For this reason alone our lighting console is not on an internet-accessible network to begin with. In just about every venue I've worked, we always have a utility computer for things such as internet browsing, as well as configuring and accessing other tools, etc., it also has access to the lighting network, but is a separate computer.  

  • Its like you read the title but skipped the body of the post.

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