Coming Soon

Ability in MagicSheets to show wich Cuelist is in wich Cue

Hi there,

Can you please make it possilbe to assign a cuelist to the MagicSheetbutton, that tells you in wich cue your cuelist currently is?

At the time it´s only possilbe to see in wich cuelist your MasterFaderPair is, if there´s a cuelist assigned to.

It would be nice be able to assign a Cuelist to the button, that says "Cue ", so that you have the ability to see the states of different cuelists at the same time in MagicSheets.

Thanks in advance

  • Julius as a workaround you can create additional unused users and map their MFP to the cue lists you want to track, and then create command line objects in your magic sheet:

    If you set the width to 225, you won't see "LIVE:" (right hand column) for any user that isn't tracking list 1.

    If you need more formatting options you can even use a command box to target the OSC output of that specific user, by inserting "/eos/out/user/X/cmd", where X is the user number.

    Hopefully this work around gets you through until the feature is implemented!

  • Yes this is targeted for a near term release.

