Under Review

Ability to adjust scrolling sensitivity in Eos.

Is there a way to change how sensitive the two finger scroll is for mac users in the main menu section at the bottom of the window. It is so sensitive! Scrolls all the way to bottom with small movements on my trackpad. I have adjusted my trackpad settings but it hasn't changed. Any chance it could be made less sensitive? it works perfectly on my windows laptop and my suraface. Build 307 Beta. :)

  • There is not currently a way in Eos to set the scrolling speed. Mac also does not allow you to set scrolling speeds for specific applications without downloading third party software specifically for that purpose.  I'm going to move this post to the feature request forum and rename it to reflect that the request is to have the ability to adjust scrolling sensitivity in Eos. Thanks!
  • There is not currently a way in Eos to set the scrolling speed. Mac also does not allow you to set scrolling speeds for specific applications without downloading third party software specifically for that purpose.  I'm going to move this post to the feature request forum and rename it to reflect that the request is to have the ability to adjust scrolling sensitivity in Eos. Thanks!
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