Ability to see Presets in A3d just like Palettes

I recently discovered if you look at Focus, Beams, Col pals in blind, in an A3d display, you can see a visual representation of the palette. It appears to turn the virtual intesntiy to full temporarily just inside a3d so you can see those attributes. This is useful, but where I really think this could be useful is Presets. Right now, if you look at Presets in blind, A3d does not show you them, correct? I assume that is because Presets can contain intensities. But for the purposes of navigating a show file, or figuring out what's what, it would really help to see all those presets virtually represented in blind even if none of the Presets have intensities (which for most people, they don't.) I wish there was some way you could toggle a setting or use a soft key to "show preset intensities at FL" or something like that. Especially when trying to remount a show, this would be immensely helpful, instead of having to recall each preset in Live and turn on the lights to look at it.
