Ability to set the path movers take

It would be nice if there was the ability to set the path for the movers to take during a cue, similar to the path one can set for colors. I know that it is possible to just do multiple cues to set focus points, but when they have to be run in manual timing, it just keeps adding extra steps of things that have to be done in between each cue for the focus. It could almost be something like you can do for a focus effect, where you can draw out the path you want the mover to take, except instead of repeating, it would only go once. Please see below video for example of what I was trying to accomplish. 

Mover Path Video

  • Hi !

    If you are in a space that you can use Augment3D in, you can achieve this with the XYZ focus format feature. I'm not sure what hardware you're on, but I've demoed it here on nomad: https://youtu.be/7tbTuOp6bdk First you'll see the movement in Pan / Tilt, then I change the mode and update the cue then playback in XYZ format.

    You do have to have accurate positions for this to work, but tools like FPE (Fixture Position Estimator) may help. To enable XYZ focus mode after you've placed your fixtures you go to the encoder display under the focus tab and change the focus format to XYZ. This is a really powerful feature anytime you need to trace a straight line that doesn't go directly under your moving fixtures. You MUST be running Eos 3.x.x + to have access to this feature.

    Hope this helps,


  • Is there a way to have then take a path that isn't straight, such as a group a dancers moving along a horizontal path from SL to CS, and then traveling to USL on the diagonal without having to do it in multiple cues?

  • I think to do that you'd still need multiple cues, but if you're on any ETC hardware or have OSC/MIDI faders, you could make the timing on those cues manual and ride the fader with whats going on on stage.


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