Add effects preview to staging mode

To be able to see how your effect interacts with each other  on magic sheet would be very helpful. I was so excited when i heard about staging but disappointed when i gound out effect were not previewed in there. In film and TV its all on the fly and you wanna make sure your fixures will do what the gaffer asks before showing them. No time for dummy channels and other work arounds. Asked this 5 years ago and still no change so trying again. 

  • As in you can watch an applied effects change intensity and colour to preview your effect with affecting the stage. Previously I would just unplug network from console temporarily. Now networked with a back up and its a few more steps to regain control. As you know Effects when applied always output. But in film and TV we program alot on the spot so you don't want to flash and blind everyone or other sets ups while everyone is setting up camera lights props etc. 

  • As in you can watch an applied effects change intensity and colour to preview your effect with affecting the stage. Previously I would just unplug network from console temporarily. Now networked with a back up and its a few more steps to regain control. As you know Effects when applied always output. But in film and TV we program alot on the spot so you don't want to flash and blind everyone or other sets ups while everyone is setting up camera lights props etc. 

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