Add in patch copying to part channels

In patch

chan 82 part 1 <copy to > chan 82 <part> gives

Error: Syntax error

I would have expected to be able to duplicate a fixture on a channel.

  • Very hearty second for this feature request.

    On motion picture/TV shoots, we very commonly will move lights between multiple stages and locations, with each running on an isolated console.  The logistics of production are such that it is challenging to maintain a unified patch that covers every scenario and will always work everywhere.  And for the units that get moved around, it is vastly preferable to minimize having to re-address and re-label them every time they move.

    Another common situation is when you have lights in your floor package which get hung from time to time, and you might not have the same universe immediately available in the grid as is used on the floor.

    A good solution to this is to add a part in patch for the units in question, giving the fixture a second (or third, etc) universe/address assignment so it can operate from either one.

    But when I need to do this for a range of fixtures, adding these additional parts is a tedious chore, because individual Parts are not allowed in the copy/move operations in patch.  And when a new part is created, you have to set the fixture type manually.

  • Very hearty second for this feature request.

    On motion picture/TV shoots, we very commonly will move lights between multiple stages and locations, with each running on an isolated console.  The logistics of production are such that it is challenging to maintain a unified patch that covers every scenario and will always work everywhere.  And for the units that get moved around, it is vastly preferable to minimize having to re-address and re-label them every time they move.

    Another common situation is when you have lights in your floor package which get hung from time to time, and you might not have the same universe immediately available in the grid as is used on the floor.

    A good solution to this is to add a part in patch for the units in question, giving the fixture a second (or third, etc) universe/address assignment so it can operate from either one.

    But when I need to do this for a range of fixtures, adding these additional parts is a tedious chore, because individual Parts are not allowed in the copy/move operations in patch.  And when a new part is created, you have to set the fixture type manually.

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