Allow Parameter Category Collapse in Blind Spreadsheet

I would like the ability to expand/contract parameter categories in Blind spreadsheet in the same way as in a Live Table view.

I still want to be able to fully hide the category as well.

  • If you hold down [Data] or [Parameter] (Key is not available on IONxe) + your choise from the CIA, you can hide specific Parameters.
    This is the same function as in Live.

    Or do you look for something different?

  • I'm looking fpr something different, and in fact the function of [Data]+{Parameter_Category} is different in Blind Spreadsheet as compared to Table Formats (Live or Blind).

    For example:

    In Table format: [Data]+{Color} will collapse all the Color parameters into a single color field. that field might display "CP-1" if all Color parameters are in Color Palette 1.  Or "CP-1+" if some params are in a different palette or have absolute values.

    In Spreadsheet format, [Data]+{Color} hides all color parameters.

    What I want is to have a way get the collapsed "summary" field that exists in the  table format also in the spreadsheet format.

    I currently use [Data]+{Parameter} to hide all but one or two Parameters per category to approximate the view I'm after, but this approach isn't a full solution as it hides pitfalls such as parameters not all in the same palette, requires frequent re-structuring of the view, and (for color especially) different fixture types may have one or more entry in the view to maintain a state where all fixtures have at least one.  Think a combination of CMY, RGB and Lustr2 in Direct mode.

    In addition, on a philosophical level, the same command has very different results depending on the format selected on the channel tab.

    I would actually suggest moving the *function* of Table format [Data]+{Parameter_Category} to a new key combination of [Expand]+{Parameter_Category}, including that functionality in spreadsheet format, and making [Data]+{Parameter_Category} hide the whole category in all view formats.  This would provide a more consistent experience across all view formats and increase the utility of Spreadsheet format.

  • Adding an enhancement to this request:  Collapsible sub-categories "Form" "Image" "Shutter"

    Idea is this would work just like [Data]+{Beam} currently does in Live, just with the Sub-sets of Beam Parameters.

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