Allow us to delete tab 1 and tab 2

Tab 1 and tab 2 are very frustrating for single screen, nomad setups. They get in the way, pull focus when hitting the live, and rise to the top as well, so sometimes if I am in workspace 2 In a blind tab, and I hit live, I will be transferred to workspace 1, live table. Additionally, tab 1 and tab 2 can break snapshots when going between different monitor setups, i.e. 4 screen setups down to two, tab 1 and tab 2 will force itself onto the smaller arrangement even if the snapshot was not recorded with tab 1 and 2 there

Lastly, snapshots won't always remember where these undeletable tabs are supposed to be. Snapshot 1 is all screens with tab 1 on screen 3, tab 2 on screen 4. Snapshot 11 is a single screen snapshot with tab 1.2 and 2.2 on screen 1. If I activate snapshot 11 and then snapshot 1, the undeletable tabs will now be on screen 1, and the tabs on screen 3 and 4 will be 1.2 and 2.2

 Perhaps a setting/toggle In setup that allows users to remove tab 1/tab 2 so that more "pro" users are able to be rid of them. It's so frustrating to have to find workaround after workaround in order to ensure that these tabs are never rising to the top

  • I second this. Please come up with a way to eliminate the automatic pulling of focus to these tabs. Users like us should be able to change snapshots or switch between live and blind without being forced to view these tabs. Not everyone wants to see a live / blind tab or psd for every programming situation

  • I second this. Please come up with a way to eliminate the automatic pulling of focus to these tabs. Users like us should be able to change snapshots or switch between live and blind without being forced to view these tabs. Not everyone wants to see a live / blind tab or psd for every programming situation

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