[Apex] In extended mode, main encoders + mini encoders should be 1 page instead of 3


I tried same custom map with extended mode on mini encoders and main encoders.
in Tab 40 , if I create 3 pages  for 1 category, It works well ( except I need a blank page on 2nd to have something on top of mini encoders).

But eos think I have 3 pages of encoders, for 1 page of main + mini encoders,.
If I want to create a second page, I need 6 pages. 

And when I want to paging with physical encoder category, It populates 2nd and 3rd page on main encoders.

feature request: in extended mode eos should understand 3 pages = 1 page.

  • Much agreed here! The current behavior makes it very frustrating to try to create custom maps on Apex, and also means that custom encoder maps are not really compatible between a Ti and an Apex in extended mode. I would love to see an interface improvement for Tab 40 to have an "Apex Mode" similar to the "Show/Hide Dedicated Encoders" button so that these 6+8(!) encoder maps can be laid out visually offline.

    A related feature request here would be that in extended mode, the paging mini encoder should be available as a parameter encoder because paging is taken care of by the category buttons above the encoder screen. That way you can fit an entire shutter category on the mini encoders, with the 9th encoder used for frame rotation.

  • Much agreed here! The current behavior makes it very frustrating to try to create custom maps on Apex, and also means that custom encoder maps are not really compatible between a Ti and an Apex in extended mode. I would love to see an interface improvement for Tab 40 to have an "Apex Mode" similar to the "Show/Hide Dedicated Encoders" button so that these 6+8(!) encoder maps can be laid out visually offline.

    A related feature request here would be that in extended mode, the paging mini encoder should be available as a parameter encoder because paging is taken care of by the category buttons above the encoder screen. That way you can fit an entire shutter category on the mini encoders, with the 9th encoder used for frame rotation.

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