Auto start/stop cue list

I would love an MA-like feature where cue lists can auto-start, and auto-release when you bring the fader up and down. This could help in a number of busking situations, and also prevent inexperienced operators from having additional cue lists playing back without realizing it.

  • that is, when lowering, the cue number should not be reset

    that is, if you stayed on the  cue 69, then when you raise
    the fader, there should also be a  cue 69, and when you lower it, too, but at the same time information about all parameters should be unloaded and go homeor to background values
    (similar mechanics is a sub in prop mode)

  • that is, when lowering, the cue number should not be reset

    that is, if you stayed on the  cue 69, then when you raise
    the fader, there should also be a  cue 69, and when you lower it, too, but at the same time information about all parameters should be unloaded and go homeor to background values
    (similar mechanics is a sub in prop mode)
