Better Snapshots

I find that the current Snapshot are great but can be really tricky to get working exactly how you would like. There's a few things I have identified that would make Snapshots better and easier all around:

- The ability to edit Snapshots

- The ability to partial recall snapshots

Partial Record

Currently, when you recall a Snapshot you recall the entire Snapshot. It would be great if there was a way to do partial recalls of a Snapshot, for example if you just want the external monitors from that Snapshot, or just the Augmented Tether for example. Not sure on what the exact syntax for something like this could look like, but maybe some modifier that then lets you refine in the CIA. A simplified version of the record screen with quick buttons so you can do something like

Snapshot 1 - Faders


Snapshot 1 Augmented Tether

Editing Snapshots

Currently the only way to alter a Snapshot is to re record it. It would be great if we could open the Snapshot List view and have an interface similar to record that lets us edit what gets recalled when you use the Snapshot. This would make it easy to fix issues such as Faders being recorded by mistake without having to manually recall and re record the snapshot. This would have to be limited to just editing basic things, turning sections on and off and not being able to fully edit the Snapshot and change where tabs are but even basic editing would be a massive time saver.