Planned for Future

Chan Orientation and Position on Encoders While in Patch

It would be cool to to be able to move and rotate fixtures organically with the encoders whenever you are in the Augment3D section in patch, it would be just like controling a moving light. The focus encoder page button could become the toggle between position and orientation and the 4th encoder could be beam angle on one page and gobo rotation on the other. All this would be especially useful if you could grab a selection and enable fan and move a grouping proportionately.

Just an idea,


  • So, finally using A3D for a show and while I 100% want this feature in patch AND in A3D editor.... it would also be useful if I could make changes in live. There were so many times in tech where I realized the A3D focus of a conventional wasn't quite right and i just wanted to make a small change. Wish I could do something like, hold down "More SK" and rotate the encoders to adjust the rotation or position of the light quickly without having to pop into patch or edit mode of A3D. Maybe double click of "More SK" or shift+"More SKs" locks this on, but if not I would be content to be able to make those changes in live super quick. 

  • So, finally using A3D for a show and while I 100% want this feature in patch AND in A3D editor.... it would also be useful if I could make changes in live. There were so many times in tech where I realized the A3D focus of a conventional wasn't quite right and i just wanted to make a small change. Wish I could do something like, hold down "More SK" and rotate the encoders to adjust the rotation or position of the light quickly without having to pop into patch or edit mode of A3D. Maybe double click of "More SK" or shift+"More SKs" locks this on, but if not I would be content to be able to make those changes in live super quick. 

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