Planned for Future

Change order of Direct Select Banks and Magic Sheet Button Fields

I'd like to reorder the banks I have in a Direct Select instead of replacing and recreating them.  Changing the order is easy; recreating in a new bank is more cumbersome.  Many programs have a way to change the ordering by moving up or down one position, e.g. ctrl-uparrow.  I'd like to see that on Eos.  It's not that big of a deal since there aren't that many options to change per bank, but when I'm still deciding what my layout should be, it's tedious to change it by recreating if a simple "move up one" is available. 

I would like the same feature for magic sheet button fields.  To reorder the field requires reentering all the information.  It would be nice to be able to move the field and all the data entered for that field up or down in the field list.  This is more tedious than DS banks because so much more information is kept with the field.

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