Currently if you apply an effect to a channel selection in a new Cue, the fade time will populate in the PSD. i.e If I apply Intensity Effect 915 to some channels and record it as Cue 5, my default time of 3 will populate in the Int Up/Down column of the PSD, telling me that something is happening and in what time.
If I record a Cue 6 that does nothing but increase the rate of Effect 915 from 100 to 150, the timing columns of the PSD will remain blank, and the only indication of this change is in the FX column where 915 will have an * at the end of it to indicate it is a modified version of 915 that is running in the Cue. Lets say I make Cues 7, 8, and 9 with various normal move instructions, and have Effect 915* tracking through. If I make a Cue 10 that increases the rate of Effect 915* from 150 to 200, there is no indication of any change in the PSD. The timing columns remain blank, and as Effect 915* already had an * next to it, the FX Column doesn't show any changes either.
Therefore it in the PSD it appears there is no change between Cue 9 and Cue 10, and I think there should be some indication that a change has occurred. My current thought is that the relevant timing columns should populate, as the change in Rate will happen over the duration of the Cue fade. I would also then think that in the Channel Table Effect 915 should be Blue and not Magenta to indicate that a move instruction is happening and it is not tracking exactly as it was in Cue 9.
It is my, and many designers I work with, preference to populate the Cue List with cues and Scene Labels before we begin teching. This leads us to have a Cue List of blank cues that we update in passes throughout the tech process, and therefore being able to tell at a glance whether a Cue is doing something or doing nothing is important to our workflow.