channel-level go to cue

I often need to make a change in blind (or a bunch of changes in a range of cues) but we'll also be running long cues or multipart cues or have some other reason we can't do a global go-to-cue. That reason could be we're flying through cues and making changes live and I don't want anything to be manual as another programmer updates two cues back or whatever they're up to.

It comes up a few times a month that I wish I could force a range of channels to go-to-cue (always the current cue) so it gets back on track with what's in blind but doesn't mess anything else up. Right now I'll often select the channel, recall from the cue, then update again. But I'd much rather it never have the chance to be manual so it will never accidentally get updated somewhere else.

Sometimes I just want to force marks that previously existed in the future but I've now moved to the top of the act and will never get triggered without a go-to-cue. 

  • We just had a situation in a live broadcast where a long cue was running that also had ML position and color moves in it. I wanted the ability to force the long fade to finish faster but allow the position and color to stay the same. I basically wanted “group cue 90 part 1 Go To Cue” while allowing anything else in cue 90s other parts to follow their written cue time.