Conditional Copy show data when fixture is in specified preset

When copying data from one fixture type to another (specifically going from a moving light to a static), I would love a way to copy show data from fixture ONLY when it is in a specified preset.

For example, if I have this cue list:

I now want to copy the show data from Ch101 (a mover) to Ch1 (a static profile) when Ch101 is in preset 1 only.

Meaning Ch1 would only be active in Cues 1 and 5.

I see this working with the Query command, but as far as I can tell (ple4ase correct me if in wrong), query only works for querying fixtures in set cues, not cues for set fixtures.

I would imagine a syntax like:

Ch 101 copy to Ch1 Query Q1 thru 5 is in Preset 1

I would imagine being able to query cues as well as channels would be useful for other things, but if I could copy conditionally based upon presets this would help a lot when going from a moving light rig to a more static rig.

If anyone has a way to do this or a macro that would work I would love to hear about it!

Thanks all!
