Conditional Formatting of EOS Magic Sheet Objects

I would love to be able to set the color of a magic sheet object either directly through OSC or through setting up conditions in the object properties itself. 

For example, I'm building a small cue light system. I'm sending:

/qlite/out/department/1/status = go

I can obviously display the "go" argument on a magic sheet button, but I would love to be able to link that argument to a background fill color. This could be so useful for so many different reporting things, and would do away with a lot of the "dummy channels in dummy color palettes" things that we all use. 

Idea 1 

You could set, say, 2 color conditions for an object.

If argument = aaa, then color bbb.

If argument = ccc, then color ddd.

Idea 2

Link an object's fill color to listen for a hex or gel color value. You'd specify the address for the button to listen to, then any argument you send to that address would become the fill color of that button. For example: /qlite/out/department/1/color = 00FF00 or /qlite/out/department/1/color = R91