Planned for Future

Copy shutter information between groups of fixtures

When using systems of fronts and pipe ends, for example, copying shutter information in patch would be extremely helpful when focusing static fixtures in A3d. 

  • In patch>Augment3d, I tried chnl x shutter recall from chnl y and got a syntax error for the "recall from" button. I tried it in lave and while there was not a syntax error, the shutter values did not copy over. This may be an option if you could enable the recall from for conventional light shutter values.

  • In patch>Augment3d, I tried chnl x shutter recall from chnl y and got a syntax error for the "recall from" button. I tried it in lave and while there was not a syntax error, the shutter values did not copy over. This may be an option if you could enable the recall from for conventional light shutter values.
