CSV Patch Export More Info (Text Boxes, Gobo, Scroll etc.)

It would be really useful for a CSV Export of Patch to also take information from the Text Boxes, Gobo and also information of which scrolls etc. are assigned. I don't necessarily mean the whole scroll needs to come with the CSV, however just information of the Scroll Name would be useful.

My idea is to be able to keep the console up to date during a tech, and export a CSV and merge this into Lightwright to keep information up to date a little easier from out side. But this way it enables us to maintain information of Hot Power, Dimmer location, etc. on the console, and force it back into Lightwright, not just from Lightwright.

  • I have since noticed that the Text Boxes are already included, strangely I don't believe they were in the export I did (But I've looked at a lot of paper work this week)... However, It would be really useful for CSV Export to handle Fixture Parts in a better way, this is where I am falling over now. I can't get Information to land on the right fixture part without having to map each channel individually, which is not convenient... It would be useful to have a standard layout for parts in a CSV Patch export eg. 1 - Dimmer // 1.1 - Scroller // 1.2 - Cooling Fan if you see what I mean, because then the data could be sent to the correct part in Lightwright.

  • in my experience Eos always exports channel parts in the same order you see them in the console in patch

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  • Hi Ueli, indeed it does. For context specifically what I am trying to achieve is for example using a text box as a circuit number and being able to update this on the console during tech, then being able to export this at the end of the process and merge this with our lightwright. Which at the moment can only be done by import not by patch sync (to my understanding). So, for every duplicate channel/part lightwright currently asks you to map each channel to each part which is very time consuming when you have a large rig. The only work around I currently have is to use the 1.1 etc. method and writing these into the channel notes or a text box in patch, and then when doing the import into lightwright, instead of mapping channel to channel, map notes to channel, but this is also a bit of a hack, hence looking for slightly more granularity. Though I'm also aware this is quite a specific task, though I'm sure I'm not the first person to have wanted to do this.