Custom encoder maps change paramter-categorys when active

Dear ETC-Folks,

this may be a bold request after 3.1 just released but I´ll ask for it anyway as the wish came up today.
It´s just a couple of days that I´m playing with 3.1 one and I already love the encoder-mapping.
Today I wanted to create one for our media-server fixture. We are using Arkaos and not everything in the fixture is very intuitive.
Of course to overhaul the fixture could be a solution but as I´m not in charge for video this is not my decision to make.
Custom encoder maps come in very handy already! But today I noticed something not going well with my workflow.
I like to home/sneak/recall/copy stuff by parameter-category. When I use encoder-maps I can have stuff in an "encoder-category" that´s different to the category it´s in the fixture in patch.So especially for stuff like media servers this can lead to some confusion.

So what I would love to be the behaviour would be:

Custom encoder maps make parameters follow the parameter-category they are mapped to even if it´s different from the one they are patched in as long as "custom" is active.

Of course I can imagine that this can be tricky to achive but I think it´s much more intuitive that way.
So if that would come one day I would be very pleased.

Thanks a lot!

Cheers Paul.e