Deactivate Cues

It would be nice to be able to deactivate cues in a cuelist.
Sometimes certain cues are not needed for every performance of a show.
Or a designer decides to delete a cue during rehearsals and then later realizes, that it was a mistake.

The current solution is to link cues or to move the cues out of the way (2nd cuelist, preset or just move them to the end of the list).

I think it would be much more comfortable and clearer if cues could simply be deactivated and therefore ignored.

  • Another benefit of deactivating cues (vs link) is that conceptually go back would also skip back over those deactivated cues -- whereas link-ing forward does not prevent backing into those cues you intended to skip -- there is no "link back" feature, which might be another alternative

  • Another benefit of deactivating cues (vs link) is that conceptually go back would also skip back over those deactivated cues -- whereas link-ing forward does not prevent backing into those cues you intended to skip -- there is no "link back" feature, which might be another alternative

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