During FPE, you should be able to lock and XYZ position OR maintain it among a group of fixtures

Finally trying out FPE in the real world. It's a very large space so the margin of error is very high making it not a great test case and sending my lights all over the place. I know FPE is still very much a "in theory" process as it becomes refined...but two things that I think could be useful...of course I know nothing about the code behind how it works.

-If you KNOW that certain fixtures all share the same value, you should be able to lock that relationship. So, you can say to A3d basically..."Calculate FPE on these 10 lights BUT they are all on the same pipe, so they all have to be the same Z height. However you have to recalculate it, all the Z heights have to be the same." You could do the same thing for the Y, if they are all on a pipe that you know is straight. Yes it might not account for small discrepancies, but it would prevent lights on the same pipe from being on wildly different planes which clearly wouldn't represent reality, 

-Similarly, if you are 100% confident in an XYZ value, I'm thinking of putting a trim tape on an overhead pipe, you should be able to lock one of the XYZ values and say "do you whatever else you have to do with the X and Y values, but I KNOW the Z value is correct so don't change that one."

