Element Mode Lying To Me About Automark


This is a suggestion to change something that exists, so not a feature request. I'm going to assume this is okay? And will understand if I get yelled at or this gets deleted without explanation. 

The following is my strong opinion. 

In Element mode on Nomad, which I live in because of a bug in Eos mode that was apparently fixed 2 years ago, Element tells me automark is disabled, but it's lying. Here's what it says:

Mark Time: Disabled

And then I can change it to whatever number I wish, but I prefer to keep it disabled because automark and I got divorced a while back. We don't talk anymore. So I keep automark disabled. But automark, like an abusive ex girlfriend, she sticks around long after she's supposed to be gone. She keeps breaking my stuff. I can't get her to go away. So I end up on this forum. Through this forum I find out that thing I talked about above was lying to me the whole time. I have to go into Eos console mode to get her to go away. Here's what I mean about the lying:

"Mark Time: Disabled" means mark time is disabled. That means mark is disabled. Mark Disabled means mark time is disabled. Mark Time Disabled means mark is disabled. Disabled means disabled. Disabled means doesn't do anything. Disabled means turned off. Mark Time Disabled means turned off. Here's what "disabled" actually means:

Mark Time Disabled = Mark is enabled and follows cue timing

So here's my proposal. Let's change it so that it says:

Mark Time: Cue Timing

Because if the current "Disabled" selection doesn't disable anything, it shouldn't be called "disabled". If what it actually does is it sets the automark time to follow the cue timing, it should say that.

It doesn't.