Expanded and clearer layout for OSC IP addresses & multiple port implementation


Is it possible to look at the layout for OSC IPs in Show Control/OSC in Setup?

We are now in a world where rather than using broadcast, we're targeting specific IPs of multiple machines (a main and backup QLab, as well as a main and backup Smart Caption glass machine), and once you put 4 (or more) separate IPs into the little box for OSC UDP TX addresses, they get really tiny, and disappear off to the right, where you can't see them (a bit like if you have more than 2 lines' worth of channels in a group, but that's a different point... Joy)

Maybe a nice table layout or something? Where you could edit and view them more easily. I feel like this stuff is only getting more complex...

On that note, is it possible to make it so that we could receive OSC on more than just one port, and be more discrete and targeted about what OSC data is going where? And then be able to enable and disable OSC by port?

An example of why this would be useful to us, is that we often receive cue triggering from QLab over OSC, but we are now also starting to use OSC override data from LightStrike. If we're stopped in a tech, and want to do plotting, I often disable OSC while we're stopped, to avoid any unwanted OSC cues from firing, whilst sound are working (yes: ideally they would disable their TX, but they don't always remember), but this now means I'm unable to continue receiving my OSC override data. If I was able to set these two things to different receive ports, then I could disable by port. This would be a useful tool in a show running situation, where I'm using OSC override data for followspot tracking or LightStrike, but might find sound cues firing OSC have got out of sync (this has also happened to me on a few occasions over the years).

Another suggestion from our team as a workaround in the "tech plotting" scenario is soloing your cue list. But because soloing is such a blunt instrument, it doesn't fire macros which are executing, which you might want to fire, or any of your executed cue lists - like video, who you might want following along with you. So maybe it's also (or instead) about having more targeted soloing tools?

We also tried recording a macro that could disable OSC protocol as a whole from an individual NIC, but I wasn't able to Learn a macro that went into Setup and changed any of the Device/Network protocols. Any button presses in that screen weren't registered after I pressed "Setup".

What do we think?


Nadene Wheatley