Feature Request: Ability to Customize CSV export of patch and correction for multicell fixtures in CSV

I use the CSV export of the patch to make fixture labels these days. 

It would be lovely to be able to choose which fields are exported in the CSV (for example, I only use Channel, Address, Type and Notes). 

Also, it would be useful to be able to export Universe as a separate field as well.

Currently, I need to run the CSV that Eos exports through Lightwright in order to separate out the universe from the address, export that as a CSV, then edit that CSV to erase all the extraneous rows I don't print (all the fixture attributes at the bottom of the CSV).

Another issue is that multicell fixtures in the exported CSV come out as separate rows for each cell, often without a row for the overall start address. For labels, it would be ideal to only have one row for each multicell fixture that lists the start address of the overall fixture.

Thank you!

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