Feature Request: Cue list manual control

Using multiple cuelists 1 per set in film/TV.  What I need is to be able to load cue 3/1 to a fader then 3/2 on another then 3/3 on another. So i can manual control them using any which one at a moments notice.

Yes there are subs but, making new ones and keeping old ones and bring back for replay is so much extra time we don't have on movie and TV sets. 

   They almost never run straight through a scene. Stop half way or pick up just cue 3 in a moments notice and or bring that look slowly then stop. Its almost never linear.. 

Basically we need a movie mode... make it a boot up setting with these options from shell.

Different cues from same cue list on multiple faders for manual control LTP 

Toggle state for ch 5 at 5% not 05% we work with such low intensity on led fixtures.  This "shortcut" 5 makes 50% messes me up daily. Typing while they talk and when whole room is at 10% 50% makes a poor impression. We build looks and use them instantly no prep. Half the time while rolling we'll sneak lights to lower or higher intensities. 

Change dmx ports or gateway assignments without shutting out to shell and or possibly dropping out set... nobody likes to work in the dark. We plan for the worst but run out of room and have to repatch within secs. 

Effects are blind until you load look in cue. so we can see the flicker effect or pulse on magic sheet to get speed and pattern before we show the boss.  I see stage is new option will check this out as soon as we start next show. Can't update just yet. 

Also ch5 out should kill ch 5 even if its running effect. I have to keep blank inhibitors  sub at zero loaded for each set to randomly copy ch to to kill the "fire effect" before they roll.. 

There are a few more ideas I have for magicsheets to make them more magical. 

Please contact me. There are alot of Board ops in the film industry using EOS but technology is moving faster than your program. So they may soon have to switch to keep up with production demands. I feel these coding changes would simple to moderate to keep EOS relevant for Film and TV use. 

Thanks I do enjoy most of the way you have laid out the console but a few options would benefit work flow for the chaos we endure.  

  • As another film programmer, I've got to say it seems like you may not be using some EOS programming conventions to your advantage.

    Multiple cue lists in cue only mode may help you with constantly changing values and being out of order. You can also run a cue list for each scene or jump to a previous cue and record it further into the cue list if you are running a long linear work list.

    The 5% thing definitely caught me a few times when I was starting but you will get used to hitting 05, flashing a star only happens a few times before your brain resets.

    Previewing effects is now done decently well in augment3d but there are limited fixtures so this won't solve all of your problems. I use a mix of magic sheet, sheet view and I have a pixel strip on my cart I can preview effects on and then copy out.

    As far as universe distribution, take a look at Swissons 8x ethernet/dmx nodes.  We use stacks of them here because of their quick on set design. Press a button next to the dmx plug and spin the dial to select universe. Nothing needed at the board.