Feature Request: Magic Sheet Multicell SVG layers

It would be cool if there could be additional layers in SVGs that EOS Magic Sheets could respond to. Specifically for multi-cell fixtures, like I make a custom symbol in Inkscape for a pixel mappable fixture and I assign each cell as a different layer. I get not each fixture has the same cell layout, but power users could use this to upgrade their own magic sheets and make the symbols on a case by case basis. I'm not sure what the eos cell limit is, but they could just incrementally go etc_symbol_cell_001 - etc_symbol_cell_999 (Thanks Jason Cochran for the syntax idea) or even separate them into cell outline and fill. If the selected channels don't have as many cells as the symbol, they could either default to black or just be ignored or in the case of non-multi-cell fixtures, it could just use all the cells as one layer. This would open the door to displaying multicell fixtures in a whole new way in magic sheets!

