Fixture editor and modes

Hey there,

I'd like to be able to

 - change "beam fx select" user range. Also with gobo select etcetera

 - being able to create hidden modes (a mode that changes the user pan or user tilt ranges but is not always displayed next to pan. Maybe as an attribute in patch like gobo wheel or color wheel)

 - being able to have two virtual parameter as modes ("Beam FX select", "Beam FX index/speed", "Beam FX wheel mode" and index/speed has four modes: select=open; select=fx1&mode=index; select=fx1&mode=rot+; select=fx1&mode=rot-) When I now try to create that four modes, I can't have three times select=fx1 even it is always in addition to a setting of wheelmode.

I think it would be nice to create fixture types to follow the personal workflow...

If you have any question please ask.

Thanks, Lars