Fixture profiles

I stumbled upon a way to remove unwanted extra parameters from a fixture profile, by reusing a parameter that is already in use, but this seems to be both clunky and somewhat hit & miss. Unless I'm overlooking something can there be an additional tool in the fixture editor to remove parameters as well as generate them?


  • {Delete} will affect the part of the fixture editor that's currently focussed. If you click in the fixture list and then press Delete it will remove a fixture profile. if you click on the right hand side and then use Delete, it will remove a parameter.

    As you've discovered there are parameters that will add other parameters. Pan/Tilt and X_Focus, Y_Focus, Z_Focus is one example, a complete color mixing system (RGB, or CMY) will add Hue and Saturation. As long as you have RGB or CMY you can't remove Hue/Sat, and as long as you either have Pan or Tilt you can't remove the XYZ parameters. You should be able to remove all other parameters without problem.

  • OK, I've worked out that I need to delete pan before I can delete virtual X,Y,Z, but that shouldn't have been an issue on 2.8.2. I'll look at it again tomorrow, but I guess it is a case of operator error/unfamiliarity.

  • OK, That's weird. In both 2.8.2 and 3.0 b389 today I've been trying to create/edit a profile for a Litegear LiteDimmer Spectrum DC200. When I want to add a parameter EOS auto populates some parameters that I don't need. If select one and press delete it may reduce the parameter count, but apart from one brief occasion which has since passed all of the details stay in place. I can save the state of the fixture, select another one, come back, highlight a parameter, press delete over at the bottom left and the unwanted parameters remain even the fixture now needs saving again. Given its ineffectiveness I was assuming delete was supposed to be for removing the fixture profile rather than a parameter.

  • I'm probably misunderstanding something, but there is a {Delete} softkey that will remove the highlighted parameter.