Flexi to Cue List

Duplicate of here.

I'd love to open a separate live table and flexi it to only channels active from cue list 2 as opposed to cue list 1 or any other cue list. I couldn't find a way, and don't think it's possible, but maybe someone knows a trick. Otherwise, this would be a useful feature to add.

  • I should note that one workaround I've found is to type in "Group Cue 1/1" then hold [Flexi] and click on the [view] softkey in the CIA. That will then show you all the channels that have data in that specific Cue while in Live. However, you cannot seem to select a Cue List as a whole (so it won't, for example, show channels that pop up in a later Cue in the same list). And if you add any new fixtures to that Cue, it won't auto-update your Flexi view. You'll need to manually re-type "Group Cue X/X View Channels" again to make them appear.

  • I would love to see this feature as well. It actually already exists in Blind. When in Blind, make Flexi to Active Channels, and then simply select "Cue 1/" or whatever list you want, and you'll see only the channels that are active in that Cue list. I want this SAME functionality in Live as well.

  • It was not. It was for a show where any of the moving lights could be followspots, and when acting as a spot they should be in that followspot operator's own cue list.

  • If it's always the same selection of channels that are in Q2/ compared to Q1/ then you could use the 'View Channels' tool in flexi options to select a range of channels for that tab to use?