focus traditionnal fixtures as moving lights in augmented

hello, as it seems very fastidious to focus trad incrementing datas, would it be possible to focus them same as in wyg, as if they were moving lights? using rotations makes it really too long and imperfect, so i don t waste time on it, but would be a real plus for rendering and else.

  • i wasn't , thanks! aftrer reading you i found it in the usermanual. i've tried the clic in live, hadn't thought of trying in patch. even though, for exemple, if i have 20 par on one pipe backlight, would be quite easier to take all of them and just  move on the y axis

  • i wasn't , thanks! aftrer reading you i found it in the usermanual. i've tried the clic in live, hadn't thought of trying in patch. even though, for exemple, if i have 20 par on one pipe backlight, would be quite easier to take all of them and just  move on the y axis

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