How to disable selected = highlight_in_yellow function in Augment3D


How on earth do I get rid of the thing that highlights recently selected fixture in Augment 3D? I don't mind it so much in the magic sheet viewer, but when I look at the Augment3D viewer, I expect it to represent the stage as closely as possible. Last I checked, lighting fixtures don't have bright yellow LED's all around their shells that light up when they become active. I dealt with it for a while, but now it's working on my last nerve.

It needs to be able to turn off. It makes it impossible to properly view the stage. I need to see how noticeable a subtle effect is. I cannot have it beam bright yellow at me as soon as a subtle effect starts to announce to the entire world that it's about to do something.

It needs to be able to be turned off. There needs to be an option to turn it off in Options. 

  • Also, if I may add, how come I can see the beams when haze is off? In real life, you can't see beams without haze. I get that it's trying to be more useful for focusing, but shouldn't it just default to have haze on for that? User then turns off haze if you don't want to see all the beams but still want to be able to see the light. I turn off all the beams in the beams menu, and that kinda sorta did what I expected, but I don't really actually know what that actually did. There's no tooltip to tell me what this actually does. With that off, I then go to haze and turn on haze and that doesn't do anything, so not the behavior I expected.

    Also, it's strange that you can't seem to save your settings from the light menu. So if you set it all up the way you want and it's perfect and amazing, the second you hit a snapshot macro, all your work is gone. Saving it to snapshots does nothing.

  • Also, if I may add, how come I can see the beams when haze is off? In real life, you can't see beams without haze. I get that it's trying to be more useful for focusing, but shouldn't it just default to have haze on for that? User then turns off haze if you don't want to see all the beams but still want to be able to see the light. I turn off all the beams in the beams menu, and that kinda sorta did what I expected, but I don't really actually know what that actually did. There's no tooltip to tell me what this actually does. With that off, I then go to haze and turn on haze and that doesn't do anything, so not the behavior I expected.

    Also, it's strange that you can't seem to save your settings from the light menu. So if you set it all up the way you want and it's perfect and amazing, the second you hit a snapshot macro, all your work is gone. Saving it to snapshots does nothing.

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